During the Donald Duck’s 90th Quacktacular panel at D23 Fan Event, part of the content that will be in the new Taschen book featuring Donald Duck’s 90th anniversary has been revealed. The book will contain artwork of several produced but also unproduced Donald Duck shorts.
I was able to grab some photos of the presentation and it shows some (not all) of the artwork of produced and unproduced shorts/movies below. Some of this artwork has never been seen before.
Donald’s Nightmare (unproduced) Disney Studio Artist, Story SketchGhost Story (unproduced) Carl Meyer, Story SketchClara Cluck’s Chuck Wagon (unproduced)Yukon Mickey (unproduced) Carl Barks, Story SketchThe Reluctant Dragon (1934) Les Clark, Clean-up AnimationChip An’ Dale (1947) Disney Studio Artist, Publicity Mr. Duck Steps Out (1940) Paul Allen, Ted Bonnicksen, and Jack Boyd, Clean-up AnimationModern Inventions (1937) Milt Schaffer, Clean-up AnimationDonald’s Nephews (1938) Disney Studio Artist, Color ModelOnce Upon A Studio (2023) Disney Studio Artist, Color GuideDonald Gets Drafted (1941) Disney Studio Artist, Story SketchGrin and Bear It (1954) Disney Studio Artist, Story SketchWindow Cleaners (1940) Disney Studio Artist, Story SketchOut of Scale (1951) Disney Studio Artist, Story SketchOrphan’s Benefit (1934) Dick Lundy, Clean-Up AnimationDonald and Pluto (1936) Disney Studio Artist, Story SketchGood Scouts (1938), The Hockey Champ (1939) Disney Studio Artist, Story SketchMickey’s Christmas Carol (1983) Randy Cartwright, Clean-up AnimationDonald Duck Model Sheet, Disney Studio ArtistOrphan’s Benefit (1934 vs 1941)Donald’s Decision (1942) Disney Studio Artist, Story Sketch